TSL…. It’s Not Who, But How Long!

By David Kidd, BPR Time Spent Listening (TSL) is the second variable, together with cume, […]

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Workplace Music – A Great Motivator or Just Plain Distraction?

If music effects mood, and mood effects performance, therefore music has the ability to effect […]

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Is Your Brand Really Human?

By Andy Beaubien, BPR Why do so many of us treat our brand as if […]

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Building Cultural Capital

By Peter Don, BPR How is it that some radio stations can change course and […]

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Radio Soars Down Under

One of the greatest milestones of radio, (which we at BPR like to regularly mention), […]

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What Can You Do About Those Annoying Music Streaming Apps?

By Andy Beaubien, BPR Music streaming is spreading as we encounter more and more streaming […]

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Sydney’s NOVA FM – Smallzeys Cash Call

                    Your chance to WIN up […]

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Does Local Still Matter?

  In today’s modern world – digital is no longer a question, a debate, or […]

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