Introducing: JACK Radio

Last week a new radio station launched in the UK – it’s different and the […]

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Hey, What’s That Sound In Your Bedroom?

By Andy Beaubien, BPR The growth of Smart Speakers has taken many industry people by […]

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A Growing Disconnect As Youth Favours Streaming While Older Groups Continue Tuning

An interesting look at the growing statistics between the age demo-graph of online streaming apps […]

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What Drives Audience Movement?

By Wayne Clouten, BPR Long-term research conducted by BPR reveals significant levels of turnover in […]

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World Website Check-Up – FOX FM

  We’ve all heard of Bitcoin taking over the world and making people RICH, now […]

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True/False: Radio Stations Mostly Play Songs Music Companies Pay Them to Play

“Why do my favourite stations lack variety?” – A common question among many radio listeners […]

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RIP Alexa 2018

By Wayne Clouten, Broadcast Programming and Research Now that we have your attention I can […]

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It’s About the Listener, Stupid!

By Andy Beaubien, Broadcast Programming and Research We recently came across an article by Lori […]

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