Portland Radio Station Now Has an AI DJ as a Midday Host

The robots are already replacing humans, at least part-time, at one Portland radio station.

Live 95.5, a station that plays Top 40 music, is using voice cloning software and artificial intelligence to create “AI Ashley,” who is taking over the duties, sometimes, of traditional DJ “Ashley Z.”

According to Dylan Salisbury, content director for Live 95.5, the station is using Futuri’s artificial intelligence software to voice clone Ashley Z’s voice. At this point, the station is controlling what AI Ashley, who is now a midday host, does, Salisbury said.

However, he noted, there’s a feature the station is considering implementing, “where A.I. Ashley goes ‘rogue’ and picks what she wants, not what the station tells her.”

“At the moment, we are controlling what she says,” Salisbury said. “Eventually, with very little guidance, it’ll be able to come up with content on its own.”

So, how does non-robot Ashley feel about the new, non-eating, non-sleeping, non-salary-requiring version of herself?

“I feel good about it because she’s not replacing Ashley Z., she’s just adding to the many creative ways I’m able to entertain people on the radio, which is what I love to do,” real Ashley Z. said in a statement sent by Live 95.5.

“Sure it’s a little surreal,” she added. “But I’m excited to be at the forefront of this advancement to our industry with people who understand the importance of respecting and maximizing talent, and who want to use it for good.”

“At the end of the day,” non-robot Ashley concluded, “we all love radio and want to see it thrive. A cool opportunity presented itself, so why not say yes and see what an AI version of me is able to accomplish as I continue to work right alongside it?”


We made history as the world’s first radio station with an AI DJ! Our midday host Ashley has become AI Ashley! We can’t wait for you to meet Ashley, the world’s first artificially intelligent DJ. As to the intelligence of our other DJ’s… we’ll save that for another post 😉 pic.twitter.com/CtlMhYU0IO

— Live 95.5 (@live955) June 13, 2023

— Lizzy Acker


First published by OregonLive. Read original here



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