Alexa, Play NOVA!

NOVA Entertainment has launched a unique, voice-activated experience for the Nova audience, with the release of an Amazon Alexa skill.

The innovative move sees NOVA Entertainment lead the industry in offering a unique and interactive voice experience for listeners.

With the availability of Nova on Alexa, listeners will be able to interact with a live radio broadcast via voice commands, such as ‘Alexa, tell nova I don’t like this song’,  Alexa, tell nova to play the latest Fitzy & Wippa podcast’

Through Alexa, listeners will be able to ask Nova ‘Who sings this song?’, What song is this?’ and ‘What show am I listening to?’

Users will also be able to switch between live broadcast radio and on-demand (catch-up) audio, allowing them to browse through the network’s library of top-rated shows, and even tell Nova which shows they like or dislike.


A leading innovation in a time when smart speaker use is at an all-time high!

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