90’s Are the New 80’s for 30-49 Demo Radio Listeners

  By Wayne Clouten, BPR During the last few years 90s music has been testing […]

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Are Mobile Phones Making it Harder to Reach Your Listeners?

By Andy Beaubien, BPR   There was a time when the best way to contact […]

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Worldwide Website Check-Up – Triple M Network

Matty Johns, Emma Freedman, Gus Worland and Chris Page want to come out to your […]

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BPR Annual Team Meeting 2018

Every year, the BPR team gather from around the globe to discuss our progress. This […]

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Announcement – BPR In Dubai & the UK

Broadcast Programming & Research is excited to announce two new partnerships, and would like to […]

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My Radio Test at RadioDays Europe 2018

Last month, the My Radio Test team attended RadioDays – Europe’s biggest radio and audio […]

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Is Rock Dead or Just Sleeping?

By Andy Beaubien, BPR   In the last half of the 20th century Rock music […]

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10 Ways A Radio Station Can Win Audience Trust

by Fred Jacobs, Jacobs Media Strategies, 10 January 2018 Editor’s Note:  From time to time […]

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